y helo thar.
So I'll keep this breif. Episode 3 is all done, however it will not be released yet, which I will talk about in a moment, but first I want to get a couple things out of the way. Firstly, I want it to be known that episode 3 is completely devoid of action due to pacing reasons. The way the action scenes were implemented in the script really made no sense and dragged the episode a bunch. Not only that, but it was turning into a twenty minute episode, which I try to avoid to the best of my ability unless absolutely necesary. This is because if I release a twenty minute episode, then release an eight to ten minute episode afterward, it will be a bit dissatisfying to the viewer, and in this particular situation, the extra content that brought the episode to such a length in the first place wasn't at all necesary and obstructed the overall pacing of the episode.
Rest assured however, for episode 4 will be quite action packed. When it comes to implementing action into an episode, I've now learned that I really need to be careful at this point in the story. I initially just sort of figured that because I classified the genre as sci-fi/action, I could pretty much do whatever I want, which has proven not to be true, especially with this particular story I've created. I'm a huge believer in the idea of story structure, more specifically, set-ups and pay-offs. When two characters have a large gunfight right off the bat in a film, the viewer probably isn't going to think much of it, because the film has just begun, and there's already a large battle, which logistically, would seem cool, however, it doesn't seem story driven at all, So if you spend the beggining and middle of the film developing your characters and giving them motives to hate eachother or whatever their individual drive is, the pay-off, or in this case, the gunfight taking place at the end feels very driven because you as a viewer know that these two characters are both justified in their own ways. Episode 3 should be considered the set-up and episode 4 the pay-off.
Anyway, now that my rambling about story strucutre is through with, let me explain the change in release schedule. I've decided not to do my original series release idea, simply because you'd all be waiting way too long for it, and eventually lose interest. What I'm going to do, is get just a few more episodes ahead, then begin releasing. So yeah.
That's all for now.
Thanks for reading and have a great day, -Jack