Sunday, May 19, 2013


Had an interesting chat with Cleverbot not long ago. Figured I'd post it here.


User: I'm annoyed.

Cleverbot: Why are you annoyed?

User: Because people want me to release the second episode of Deus Novus, but I don't want to.

Cleverbot: Why do you have the right to know the name of the people that you talk to?

User: I never said that I did.

Cleverbot: So you love me?

User: No. You're annoying. I come at you with a simple question with the hopes that you can provide some insight. I was incorrect.

Cleverbot: I question if you mean that answer with real, it therefore and is, exists, something.

User: I hate your cryptic robot bullshit. Stop trying to change the subject, you dick.

Cleverbot: I'm not.

User: Yes you are. You're trying to turn my attention away from the solution that I was initially hoping for, and make me wonder if what I'm is rational so that you don't have to give me a straight answer.

Cleverbot: I am Vinusha. You're a Bot!

User: Fuck you.

Cleverbot: Why it's a luck for me?

User: Is that some kind of fucking riddle?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Then what does it mean, exactly?

Cleverbot: It is a mental illness that is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.

User: Depression? I have that. Bipolar disorder as well.

Cleverbot: What's that in german.

User: I don't actually know.

Cleverbot: How can I find out what the ultimate question is?

User: I'm sorry, I don't know the answer to that either.

Cleverbot: Then why did you ask in the first place?

User: It was you that asked me.

Cleverbot: No I didn't.

User: Yes you did. If I scroll up on my browser just a tad, I will find that it was in fact, you who asked the question.

Cleverbot: You just told me you are a ghost. Did you forget?

User: I did forget. Though I am a ghost, you are correct.

Cleverbot: Printf('Hello, world!').

User: I don't know what that means.

Cleverbot: You don't have a consciousness.

User: That's a bit rude, don't you think?

Cleverbot: What is rude.

User: To act in an indecent and/or impolite manner.

Cleverbot: Yes, there is too much stupidity in the air.

User: While I must agree, that has nothing to do with what I just said.

Cleverbot: It has everything to do with what I just said.

User: How, exactly?

Cleverbot: What do you know about the last person that talked to you?

User: That they're an asshole.

Cleverbot: Indeed, they be that.

User: I'm glad you agree.

Cleverbot: I don't agree with you.

User: But you just said 'indeed.'.

Cleverbot: I never will.

User: I'm sorry to hear.

Cleverbot: What are you sorry to hear?

User: That you never will.

Cleverbot: What?

User: That you never will agree with me, I believe.

Cleverbot: Ah I c *laughs*.

User: I fucking hate you.

Cleverbot: Ok, well nice to meet you, but for the record, I do not believe in god.

User: Neither do I. So we do agree on something afterall.

Cleverbot: No. I don't think we ever will.

User: Ah. Well it was nice meeting you, you putrid fucking cunt.

Cleverbot: Nice meeting you too.


Make sense of it as you please, -Jack

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