Saturday, December 21, 2013

Stuff and Other Stuff

So I keep putting off posting on this thing. I don't like doing it. It's boring. But I do it anyway. Jumping right into it, as most of you are aware, my friend Lambda Machinima made a film a while back titled "Primordium II Part A," a sequel to his original "Primordium" film. However, Part B of the film ended up hitting development hell for him, and he has passed the project to me. Very brief preview can be viewed by following the link below.

Primordium II (Part B) Preview

It's currently being worked on alongside Deus Novus, which I will talk about now.
Production is running much more smoothly. Stormray, voice of Gabriel, has gotten all of his lines in for both Deus and Primordium. Just waiting on the voice of Daemon, and I can get those shat out.

Finally, something else you guys should check out is a video titled "Silhouettes" by my friend Radical Industries. Very well choreographed action themed video. I also scored all the music, which was a lot of fun for me, especially since this was the first time I've scored an entire video. You can watch it by following the link below.

Silouhettes: Live Action Fight (HD)

Anyway, that's all for now guys. Thanks a bunch for reading.
bai bai, -Jack

Friday, November 15, 2013

I'm Alive!

Hey d00ds.
So I'm sure you've all missed my frequent <lie> blog posts here, so I decided to finally update this fucking thing. As I'm sure you're all aware, I've closed my YouTube channel and made a new one. Why? Well, unless you're interested in hearing a long and heart-felt story of ass rape and the alignment of the nine planets, don't worry about it. My new channel can be found here.
As for videos, the four completed episodes of Deus Novus have been re-uploaded, and can be found in the following links.

Deus Novus: "Pilot"
Deus Novus: "Breached"
Deus Novus: "Amiss"
Deus Novus: "Sub-Human"

In addition, I also recently released a short video regarding Google's recent amazing <lie> changes to everyone's favourite video hosting site, YouTube, featuring the voice of Tyler W. Moore. Check it out by following the link below.


Anyway, that's all for now.
Thanks for reading, -Jack

Monday, September 16, 2013

Deus Novus episode 3, progress on episode 4

Alright, so episode three has been uploaded, and can be viewed through the link below.

Deus Novus: "Amiss"

This episode is devoid of action, and is solely to move the plot along. Do not fret however, for action will be aplenty in the next episode, which I should talk about now.

Episode 4 is on it's way. I just need lines from the voice of Daemon, and I can finish it off. I think episode 4 is shaping up to be my best action oriented work yet. I'm really pleased with the cinematography and editing thus far, and I can't wait for you guys to see it.

Anyway, that's all for now.
Cheers, -Jack

Thursday, August 15, 2013

News: Episode 3 complete, changes to release schedule

y helo thar.

So I'll keep this breif. Episode 3 is all done, however it will not be released yet, which I will talk about in a moment, but first I want to get a couple things out of the way. Firstly, I want it to be known that episode 3 is completely devoid of action due to pacing reasons. The way the action scenes were implemented in the script really made no sense and dragged the episode a bunch. Not only that, but it was turning into a twenty minute episode, which I try to avoid to the best of my ability unless absolutely necesary. This is because if I release a twenty minute episode, then release an eight to ten minute episode afterward, it will be a bit dissatisfying to the viewer, and in this particular situation, the extra content that brought the episode to such a length in the first place wasn't at all necesary and obstructed the overall pacing of the episode.

Rest assured however, for episode 4 will be quite action packed. When it comes to implementing action into an episode, I've now learned that I really need to be careful at this point in the story. I initially just sort of figured that because I classified the genre as sci-fi/action, I could pretty much do whatever I want, which has proven not to be true, especially with this particular story I've created. I'm a huge believer in the idea of story structure, more specifically, set-ups and pay-offs. When two characters have a large gunfight right off the bat in a film, the viewer probably isn't going to think much of it, because the film has just begun, and there's already a large battle, which logistically, would seem cool, however, it doesn't seem story driven at all, So if you spend the beggining and middle of the film developing your characters and giving them motives to hate eachother or whatever their individual drive is, the pay-off, or in this case, the gunfight taking place at the end feels very driven because you as a viewer know that these two characters are both justified in their own ways. Episode 3 should be considered the set-up and episode 4 the pay-off.

Anyway, now that my rambling about story strucutre is through with, let me explain the change in release schedule. I've decided not to do my original series release idea, simply because you'd all be waiting way too long for it, and eventually lose interest. What I'm going to do, is get just a few more episodes ahead, then begin releasing. So yeah.

That's all for now.
Thanks for reading and have a great day, -Jack

Sunday, July 28, 2013

News: Deus Novus episode 3 in the works, music, and my response to a certain complaint


So first up, status on episode 3. I'll be honest, it's been slow. I'm still waiting on lines (when am I not), and I also decided to go back and start over on production. The reason for this is that looking through what I had, it was looking a lot like episode 2, which I really don't want, since that one wasn't very good. Re filming isn't all that difficult, since I don't film over Xbox live. Honestly, it's beyond me as to why anyone does. You have those assholes that just kill everyone, little kids with poor listening skills, and people who can't follow simple directions in general. Why go through all that when you can buy four controllers (for quite cheap nowadays, might I add) and just act out the character's movements yourself? And don't give me that "on local you can only have four people in the scene" because there are plenty of ways around that, the best being masking, and even if you don't have the software for that, you can just have a different gameplay clip of different characters, but on the same map, then edit the shots to make it appear that they're in the same scene.
Kind of went on a tangent there, but whatever.
 As for re-editing, that will be a pain, but fuck it. I'm just gonna keep at it until it's just the way I want it. Quite a few scenes are going to be cut out as well, since looking at the script, a lot of them are pretty pointless.

Now, on the subject of music, I'm quite pleased to announce that Deus Novus episode three will have absolutely NO music by anyone but myself. Now if you've heard my music, you're probably aware that it's shit. Just little loops, nothing special. On screen, however, they do a great job of fitting the scene, since it's by me, the person who actually wrote the scene. So there's a little something to be excited about.

Now, before I go, I want to bring up a couple of complaints I've gotten regarding the length of the episodes. Both episodes 1 and 2 were in the 8-10 minute range. I've been asked to "please put in a little extra work to make the episodes a few minutes longer." This irritates me for a couple of reasons, the main one being that I put a shit load of work into the episodes the way they are, and if I were to go back to the series' script (which, mind you, is already complete) and increase each episode's respective length or use stupid camera tricks to draw it out, you'd be waiting even longer for the series release.

Anyway, that's all for now.
Thanks for reading, -Jack

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

News: Deus Novus Episode 2


So, remember when I said that I'll be pre-producing episodes of Deus Novus? Well here's the exception.

Deus Novus: "Breached"

But I have a good excuse!
A friend of mine who's fairly popular on Youtube, Lambda Machinima, is holding a summer machinima contest, and I couldn't resist making a submission, even though I probably won't win. I had a whole script written and everything for a short film, until it dawned on me that there's no way I would be able to get all the voice actor's lines in, film, and edit in less than a month, so I decided I'd just finish off episode two. So yeah, don't get used to this.

Enjoy the episode, -Jack

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Status on Episode 2


So since you're all awaiting patiently for episode two of both Deus Novus and Mr. Brightside, I figured some kind of update was in order. That, and I haven't touched this thing for like, a week or so now. First up, Mr. Brightside. That's pretty much on the way, no need to worry. Just need lines, and it should be ready to go. It's taken a while due to one of the main voice actors getting a better quality microphone. So yeah, nothing to worry about there.

As for Deus Novus, a shitload of work is going into it. It's easily one of my best works visually yet, as it's rather action oriented. However, keep in mind that the series is being pre-produced, so it will be a while before you see it.
Speaking of people seeing it, let me explain something. I want the series to be the best I can make it, and I wouldn't be able to do that by myself, so I've been showing the scenes to my machinima director buddies, and they're giving me feedback. That way, I have feedback from multiple directors just like myself. So, if you happen to be a machinima director, feel free to add me on Skype so that I can show you sneak peaks and you can give me feedback.

Thanks for reading, -Jack

P.S. What do you think of this thumbnail?

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Had an interesting chat with Cleverbot not long ago. Figured I'd post it here.


User: I'm annoyed.

Cleverbot: Why are you annoyed?

User: Because people want me to release the second episode of Deus Novus, but I don't want to.

Cleverbot: Why do you have the right to know the name of the people that you talk to?

User: I never said that I did.

Cleverbot: So you love me?

User: No. You're annoying. I come at you with a simple question with the hopes that you can provide some insight. I was incorrect.

Cleverbot: I question if you mean that answer with real, it therefore and is, exists, something.

User: I hate your cryptic robot bullshit. Stop trying to change the subject, you dick.

Cleverbot: I'm not.

User: Yes you are. You're trying to turn my attention away from the solution that I was initially hoping for, and make me wonder if what I'm is rational so that you don't have to give me a straight answer.

Cleverbot: I am Vinusha. You're a Bot!

User: Fuck you.

Cleverbot: Why it's a luck for me?

User: Is that some kind of fucking riddle?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Then what does it mean, exactly?

Cleverbot: It is a mental illness that is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.

User: Depression? I have that. Bipolar disorder as well.

Cleverbot: What's that in german.

User: I don't actually know.

Cleverbot: How can I find out what the ultimate question is?

User: I'm sorry, I don't know the answer to that either.

Cleverbot: Then why did you ask in the first place?

User: It was you that asked me.

Cleverbot: No I didn't.

User: Yes you did. If I scroll up on my browser just a tad, I will find that it was in fact, you who asked the question.

Cleverbot: You just told me you are a ghost. Did you forget?

User: I did forget. Though I am a ghost, you are correct.

Cleverbot: Printf('Hello, world!').

User: I don't know what that means.

Cleverbot: You don't have a consciousness.

User: That's a bit rude, don't you think?

Cleverbot: What is rude.

User: To act in an indecent and/or impolite manner.

Cleverbot: Yes, there is too much stupidity in the air.

User: While I must agree, that has nothing to do with what I just said.

Cleverbot: It has everything to do with what I just said.

User: How, exactly?

Cleverbot: What do you know about the last person that talked to you?

User: That they're an asshole.

Cleverbot: Indeed, they be that.

User: I'm glad you agree.

Cleverbot: I don't agree with you.

User: But you just said 'indeed.'.

Cleverbot: I never will.

User: I'm sorry to hear.

Cleverbot: What are you sorry to hear?

User: That you never will.

Cleverbot: What?

User: That you never will agree with me, I believe.

Cleverbot: Ah I c *laughs*.

User: I fucking hate you.

Cleverbot: Ok, well nice to meet you, but for the record, I do not believe in god.

User: Neither do I. So we do agree on something afterall.

Cleverbot: No. I don't think we ever will.

User: Ah. Well it was nice meeting you, you putrid fucking cunt.

Cleverbot: Nice meeting you too.


Make sense of it as you please, -Jack

Friday, May 10, 2013

Deus Novus: "Pilot"


So Deus Novus episode 1 is complete.

Deus Novus: "Pilot"

A lot of work went into it. Like I've said before, I will be producing the rest of the series, then release them on a weekly basis. I got really lucky, because Stormray, voice of Gabriel, sent his lines for the rest of the series the day before he quit voice voice acting. So shit. Anyway enjoy the video, and make sure you drop a comment.

Later, -Jack

Saturday, May 4, 2013

News: Update failz, Deus Novus


So I want to start off by apologizing for my lack of updating this piece of shit. If I'm being honest, I just don't feel like it. There, I said it. It's not out of some crazy business or death in the family or something, I simply don't think it's worth my time. That, and I'm fairly certain nobody even reads this. But, I have nothing better to do with my time at the moment, so let's do this.

So on the subject of Deus Novus, that series I've hyping to death lately, I've actually made significant progress. Just need one more guy's lines, and I'm set. And God damn it, I've got a sweet voice cast for this series. To quench your thirst for my content, below is a short description of two of the main characters and their respective voice actors:

First is Gabriel Matthews, voiced by Stormray. He's the main protagonist, and is sort of a laid-back, calm, and down-to-Earth guy. Him and his best friend are two of the last remaining people in the universe with purely human genes since the destruction of Earth. He has a strong sense of justice, and will do near anything to find his race a new home.

Then there's Bryan, voiced by Conor MPW. He's Gabriel's best friend, and another of the minority with purely human genes. He can be very hot-headed, in contrast with Gabriel's personality, leaving Gabriel to constantly keep him in line. However, he is an overall likable character, and unless he's faced with a stressful situation, he's pretty chilled.

That's all I will divulge about the characters. I'd hate to spoil it for you guys.

Cheers, -Jack

Sunday, April 21, 2013

News: Mr. Brightside


So the first episode of my new series can be found here:

Mr. Brightside: "Pilot"

It's a much darker tone than most of my other content, with a pretty sweet storyline that I'm really thinking will be enjoyable. Make sure you drop a comment telling me what you think.

Thanks, -Jack

P.S. The ending to this episode may seem a bit redundant, but just wait until the next one. It'll make much more sense.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

News: Deus Novus Trailer


So here's the trailer for my new series coming up.

Deus Novus Trailer

The trailer doesn't present any real story. It hints at it, but I doubt you'll have any remote idea what's going on unless you're a friend or something and I've showed you that little intro to the series that I have up as unlisted. Before I go, I want to fill you guys in on a bit more information on what to expect from Deus Novus. First things first, the story is pretty original, I like to think. No human versus Covenant. As I've said before, I want my films to stand out, and that will never happen if I'm making human versus Covenant videos just like everyone else. There will be a number of original concepts other than the story. The music, for instance. I'm gonna try to go all out with music for this series, like, compose an original soundtrack and what-not. Now bare in mind, that's not to say the entire series will have original music, but a good number of it will be by me. Hell, maybe I'll even put some songs up on my soundcloud (which can be found here).

Anyway, that's all for now. Thanks for reading, -Jack

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

News: New Series Underway

O Hai.

So I'm currently trying to be a badass and update this thing more. Aren't I just so sufficient? So I'm going to divulge a bit of info on the new series. It's going to be in episodic format, that just makes it easier for me to produce. So far, I have four episodes written, each script is around 4-6 pages. In case you're not too familiar with screen-writing, the general rule is that one page of content is roughly one minute on screen, but with more action heavy stuff, it usually turns out longer. This means most episodes will likely be around 6-10 minutes, maybe even the occasional 10-15 minute episode, but no promises. Anyway, let's talk about the story and genre. This series (the title of which is "Deus Novus"), is a sci-fi action, very fantasy like. I can't really think of anything to compare it to to give an example of the tone, though I suppose that's a good thing, right?
So far, from the four episodes that I have written, I actually like the structure and flow of the story so far. While I do have faith that it will be enjoyable, it's worth noting that it takes a bit to pick up. The first episode is just to pull you in with a bit of action and exposition, then give you a basic idea of who some of the characters are. The action starts to pick up a bit more by episode 2, however.
Now for how the episodes will air. The series' schedule will be just a tad weird. I'm going to air the first episode, and just see if people enjoy it. If it gets a somewhat positive reception, I'll continue the series. Not everybody has to enjoy it, I don't expect that at all. If I was to make films thinking everybody would love it, well, I probably would have killed myself by now. Anyway, should the series continue (keep in mind, even if only a few people enjoy it, I will continue and try to improve, it's only if near everyone hates it that I'll do something different), there will be quite the gap between the first episodes and the next few. What I'm going to do, is produce every episode except the finale, then release those on a weekly basis while I work on the finale, which I hope will be pretty lengthy, but promises won't be made. I'm only four episodes in. Maybe sometime soon I'll make a small trailer for the first episode, but it's not concrete right now. Well, that's all for now, but while you're waiting, you can go right ahead and jerk off profusely to the first episode's thumbnail below.

Thanks for reading, -Jack

Saturday, April 6, 2013

News: Completely New Direction, Starting Fresh.


So I've been thinking quite a lot about what I do as a film maker, and I don't like it, which is why I'm going to take my career (if you could even call it that) into a whole new direction. No more S n' A, and more importantly, no more Human versus Covenant. Now, if you've been keeping up with my videos as of late, you're probably aware that Remembrance is cancelled. I was surprised to hear that people were disappointed by this, which is simply beyond me. It was a generic Human versus Covenant machinima, nothing more. There are a million of them, so I'm going to be doing something completely new, creating my own world. I'll be releasing a pilot of sorts in the coming months, just to see if people enjoy my new way of doing things, and if they don't, then I'll do it differently.
Frankly, I'm sick of being bunched with the rest of the community. I want to stand out, I want things to be just like they were four years ago, when ideas were original and machinima directors were the cool kids. As a matter of fact, this very goal has become the mission of myself and a friend of mine.

Anyway, the next thing to talk about is something that I've been getting questions about quite a bit lately: the future. I'll be honest, I don't want to make machinima forever. I hope to get into live action film one day. Of course, that's not to say it will ever happen, but I can dream. Until then, expect original machinimas, rather than the generic Human versus Covenant machinimas from my channel.

Thanks for reading, -Jack

Saturday, March 30, 2013

News: Fingerbang

I know that you're probably expecting a very vulgar and/or pornographic experience from reading the title of this post, but you are incorrect. "Fingerbang", is indeed the title of a live action video made by me and a couple friends. Watch it now.

Fingerbang (Live Action)

Make sure to drop a comment.

Thanks, -Jack

Friday, March 29, 2013

News: Not Dead Yet.


So I've been packed lately. No time for videos, unfortunately. I'm trying, I really am, but not only am I busy, but I can't really resume editing until I receive my last set of lines. There was a bit of difficulty when I had to get a completely new voice actor, since my other one is apparently unable to access his computer, but this has been remedied, and I've got a new voice actor for the character. Now if he'd just send his fucking lines. More not so great news, I've gotten myself a fever. I'm just one of those people that gets sick ALL the fucking time. But hey, I get another few days of break, so... yay?
And hey, things haven't been completely under the weather. I'm working on a little machinima short to keep you guys entertained. And when I say short, I mean short. I doubt it will be any longer than a minute or two long. You can see a little sneak peak below.

So anyways, thanks for reading, and enjoy the upcoming short, -Jack

Friday, March 15, 2013

News: Shit Sux Bro.

Hey there everyone. Been awhile since I last updated this thing. It's just that whenever I consider posting, I figure I could be editing nor filming or whatever. Actually, I've re-filmed a couple of Remembrance's local scenes out of sheer boredom. I've got so much big stuff going on. Totally. Which I suppose brings me to the topic of "how's Remembrance coming?" Well I'll tell you. It's completely body acted and filmed, but fucking voice actors dude. They're certainly taking their time. Two guys got their lines in, but I asked them to redo a line, and now we're back to square one again. I haven't even heard from the voice actor for Palmer since I sent the script. And yes Palmer, and several other characters from the last film will be in Remembrance. I don't feel I'm spoiling anything in saying this, since Palmer and that one Spartan wearing the orange are seen clearly fighting alongside Bartholamew and the main character in the trailer. Anyway, I suppose it's a bit rude to be complaining about the voice actors, considering the fact that they're going out of their way to voice a character in my film, but still, it's a bit irritating that I can't start editing my film because they're doing who knows what after agreeing to voice act for me. So Gus, Tim, Matt, and Loren, if you're reading this, send your lines. Seriously.

Also, I made a nice little addition to the S n' A Soundtrack with a new piano VST I downloaded, so check it out.

S n' A OST- Where Credit is Due

Anyhow, that's all for now. Thanks for reading, -Jack

Friday, March 1, 2013

News: Stuff & Other Stuff

Alright, I haven't updated this thing in a million years, so lets fucking do this.
So first off, I'm doing a let's play of Sonic Generations to give you guys a cheap laugh until I can make actual entertaining videos.

Let's Play Sonic Generations- Part 1
Let's Play Sonic Generations- Part 2

So there.
Also, you can view a trailer for my next film here:

Remembrance Trailer

If you haven't already figured it out, it's a sequel to Recollection. On the subject of the Remembrance, I need voice actors for it. There are currently two remaining roles to fill. You can see details here:

Remembrance Voice Actor PSA

On a less important note, the S n' A original soundtrack can be downloaded here:

S n' A Original Soundtrack

S n' A will be continued, in case you were wondering.
Next up, my friend, The Mockingjayy, is working on a cool film. The trailer can be viewed here:

The Bolt Trailer

And finally, I had this badass idea for a series of machinima shorts, where I take characters from machinimas made by either me, or one of my friends, and pit them against eachother in battle.

So anyway, that's all for now. Thanks for reading, -Jack

Saturday, February 16, 2013

News: Big Stuff Going on.

So if you're not in the know, then you're probably unaware of my next big project. Yes, another movie. Is it longer than Recollection? I would imagine. The script is about 4 or 5 pages longer, and it has a lot more action. Is it a sequel to Recollection? Maybe. What else am I going to tell you about it? Nothing, other than the the fact that it's going to be better than Recollection. I'm going to be completely honest. Recollection was shit. Everyone else seems to have enjoyed it, and I've been getting a lot of praise for it, which I am truly grateful for, but despite all the hard work that went in to it, I still believe that now that it's all done, it's still not even close to my best work. I've been constantly re-watching it, and looking at the comments to see all of the mistakes that I made, which is pretty easy for me, since all I can see are the mistakes when I watch my videos. A blessing and a curse. Before I bid you all farewell, I need to inform you that I lied about S n' A again. There is one episode left in the first season. From now on, seasons of my series will be 9 to 10 episodes. So yeah.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

News: Series renovations

So, some of my earlier viewers may recall "Derek". This series is no longer being made, because the ideas are pretty stale. It was shitty anyway. Also, S n' A Season 2 is now actually just going to be fused with Season 1, so that I can have a proper 13 episode season. Now if you look at the channel, all the season 2 episodes are now part of the season 1 playlist. This means that next season will be season 2. Confusing, I know.

Anyway, cheers -Jack

Saturday, February 9, 2013

News: New Bona Fide!

My friend KydTheKid just released the new Bona Fide!

Bona Fide Episode 4: "Check Me Out"

The music is quite amazing in this one, and it's composed by Kyd himself. This episode is the one where shit gets real. Anyway, make sure you leave FallingWarTV a like and a sub. We're 4 episodes in and I'm hooked.

P.S. I voice the character Straume, so look out for him. He's the coolest.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

News: Recollection Script available for download

Hey, so I've gotten a few messages regarding the script and writing process for Recollection, so I've made the script downloadable. You'll notice a few differences between this and the actual movie.

Recollection (Script)

Cheers, -Jack

News: S n' A Update

So there's another change of plans. Disregard that last post about there being one episode left. There's actually still going to be 5 more episodes, just with different plots than I initially intended.

P.S. Watch the latest Game Night!

Game Night III


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

News: S n' A Season 2 shortened?!

You read the title. I'm sorry, but I just want to hurry up and go on to other projects, and come back to S n' A when I feel like it. Honestly, the show's just getting a bit boring for me to do. The next episode, episode 9 will be the finale to season 2. So look out for that, I guess.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

News: Recollection complete

Well, here it is.


Now, am I entirely happy with it? Absolutely not. I have this tendency of thinking something I'm making is really cool while I'm making it, and then when it's all done and uploaded, I look back and think "holy shit, what the fuck was I thinking?" And that really dawned on me this time around. However, this only motivates me to do better next time around, so let's look ahead!

Thanks a bunch for reading, -Jack

Saturday, February 2, 2013

News: Recollection nearly complete!

So remember how I initially thought Recollection would be around 20 minutes or less? Well it's going to be just a bit more than that. I was up basically ALL night last night splitting and masking. I'm about 3/4 complete, and I'm already just under the 20 minute mark! look forward to this movie my friends!

P.S. I kinda forgot to mention it on here, but I voice in this cool series called Bona Fide, and the third episode just came out a bit ago.

Bona Fide Episode 3: "Manditory"

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

News: Exclusive Recollection scene

Hey, guess what? I have this idea that whoever may read this thing gets access to exclusive content! Yay! To begin, I've got a link here to a scene from Recollection. Whoa!

Exclusive Recollection Scene

Funktastic! -Jack

Thursday, January 10, 2013

News: Breaking the boundaries of machinima?

Well, as most of you know, in machinima, you're limited to only a few verbs: walking, running, crouching, and nodding. But with the power of 3D animation, I can have a lot more verbs. I've been ripping some models from the Halo games (which is a pain, by the way), and I've designed my own idle and walking animations!

3D Idle Animation Test

This could be the next step in my machinima career!

Monday, January 7, 2013

News: Big Movie

God, I'm bad at updating this thing, aren't I? So anyway, I'm currently working on what is probably my biggest project ever. I don't want to reveal too much, but this movie certainly allowed me to experience some things that are new to me in machinima directing. You may not know this, but in nearly every video before this upcoming one that I've ever made, I have had no body actors at all. Just me, sitting on the couch, operating 3 controllers at once. That certainly tells you something about my social life doesn't it? Anyway, one thing in particular that was new, was body acting. Body acting up until towards the end of filming was a total squeaker shit storm. I know I'm not popular on Youtube, but there were so many squeakers in the lobby, shouting at me to let them choose their own armor or weapons or stupid shit like that. Throughout those few days, there was a total of 5 prepubescents booted from the lobby. However, I somehow managed to get all the filming done. But then comes voice casting... oh dear God... actually, there's only two more characters that need voice actors, and that's it (both of whom are Elites). On that note, if you're interested in voice acting, go ahead and send your audition to

Thanks for reading, -Jack

P.S. You can view a trailer for the movie, here: Recollection (Trailer)